SXSW Staff Picks: What We’re Voting For

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It’s that time of year again — out of the thousands of sessions submitted each year, which do you vote for in the SXSW PanelPicker? To ease your decision fatigue, we’ve asked our staff to share the panels they’ve been eyeing.

Their suggestions span topics including artificial intelligence, XR development, the creator economy, DEI practices and much more. Community voting ends August 18, so cast your vote today!

The Inclusive Magic School Bus: XR & Neurodiverse Education

"Immersive technology holds unbelievable potential to reshape the way we live, work, learn and play. It’s already having a huge impact in healthcare, workforce training and manufacturing. As a dad of three, I’m excited to see how this technology will impact the education space empowering students and educators to use tech to tailor lessons to the specific needs and learning styles of each individual student. Let’s all climb aboard the “Magic School Bus” with XRA and explore the future of XR and education."

Brad Williamson

Vice President

Innovation at Risk: The Urgent Need for Skilled Tech Workers

"It’s no secret that the U.S. is facing a shortage of skilled tech workers, which puts our ability to set a global standard for innovation in chipmaking, AI and cybersecurity at risk. I’m curious to hear how political leaders plan to encourage the growth of this essential workforce, and I’m hopeful that Congressional members (who have already been invited to sit on this panel) will weigh in on the conversation."

Carrie Hutcheson


How Brand-Built Online Culture Is Shaping Our Lives

"As viral moments frequently control narratives both online and offline, I’m intrigued to learn how leaders across industries perceive corporations' role in shaping culture and their approach to brand-consumer relationships. These insights are sure to drive the very cultural moments that will come to define this decade."

Davey McKissick

Vice President

Openness Under Pressure—Navigating the Future of Open Access

"Having worked with both i2C and Creative Commons, we have long advocated for principles of openness and free access to information. I’m excited to hear the panel’s recommendations for regulatory actions policymakers can take in the space, as well as how the greater tech industry can encourage equity and inclusion in open-source as it evolves."

Katie Barr

Executive Vice President & COO

Beyond Book Banning: Why Diverse Books Matter

"We’ve worked with District Library Coordinator Becky Calzada through our work with the American Library Association. She’s been on the front lines of book bans in Texas and has such meaningful stories to tell about how these challenged books have changed the lives of students. She’s also a great resource for others interested in the fight to protect intellectual freedom."

Dani Leopold Bogage

Senior Director

XR Meets AI: From a Galaxy Far Far Away to Your Living Room

"I’m a huge film fanatic, and always interested in learning how the industry is evolving to keep audiences captivated. We’ve worked with XR Association CEO, Elizabeth Hyman and I’m always excited to hear her latest take on the immersive capabilities of XR tech. This panel will also feature two stellar visual effects developers, John Gaeta and John Monos, who’ve been pioneers in the film industry and have worked on integrating AI and XR in the production process."

Tiffany Garcia

Senior Associate

The Investment Opportunity in Trust and Safety

"As a friend of Katie Harbath, CEO of Anchor Change, and Eli Sugarman, Senior Fellow at the Special Competitive Studies Project, I am beyond excited to hear their recent findings regarding the importance of Trust and Safety (T&S) investments when desiring to grow corporations, especially as T&S takes into account AI-generated content. "  

Rachel Wolbers

Vice President

Will we see you in Austin? Let us know!